80% Of People Fail At Building A Home Business

This shocking failure rate is mentioned throughout the website. Here I'm going to explain it.


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The High Inflation Is Making It Hard to Survive Month To Month

When I initially started down this road of helping my fellow American's maneuver through the high inflation and the dramatic increase in the cost of just about everything, I had a specific idea of how I was going to help my fellow American's. Article after article discussed how the high inflation was causing everything to cost more money.

Take groceries, for example, today I'm paying twice as much for the same groceries I bought 2 years ago. This alone has created great stress with many families!

The high grocery cost is going to affect everyone. Those living paycheck to paycheck or who are on a fixed income will be hurt the most because they have no buffer for the increase in prices.

Every week I'm reading another article about how American's are hurting because of the increase in costs of everything. The increase in gas and food, though, affects the most people.

We're Experiencing Massive Layoffs

Then you add to this all of the layoffs. Why are so many companies laying people off?

Because consumers don't have the money they use to and aren't spending like they use to, so businesses aren't creating the revenue they use to so they're scaling back on their staff. Some are even shortening the hours they're open.

There Are Not A Lot Of Options

The point to all of this is there are not a lot of options for citizens struggling financially each month. Starting and building your own home based business is about the only option for most people. 

I knew this. I knew building a home business was the best option, and the only option for most people.

On our "About Us" page it discusses how I ended up doing "Building My Home Business" (BMHB). I shared that I initially planned to do "Building My Home Business" (BMHB) which would've been a very different approach. With BMHB I was just going to share ways to make money, and then share courses which would teach you the skill sets needed to build the different types of businesses I'd be sharing.

BMHB would've required very little of my time. That was the idea.

But because of what I learned when I started researching "Home based businesses" I was forced into changing my approach if I was going to be able to help my fellow American's create real changes in their financial world and do it far faster than what it takes the average person to create a successful home business.

Did you know it takes the average person 6 to 8 years to build a successful money-making home business?

Let me explain what I learned that changed my involvement and direction...

The Shocking Stats That Changed My Direction And My Involvement

Okay, so it can no longer be a low-involvement project. Most of the time when building a home business, things don't work out the way you think they will. When this happens, you take a step backwards and re-evaluate everything.

As I was researching home businesses I ran across two disturbing stats which changed everything... 

  1. 80% of people building a home business fail, and
  2. It takes the average person 6-8 years to create a successful money making business, one that brings in the minimal amount needed to meet their objective.

Both of these stats just blew me away, and were clearly something that absolutely had to be investigated because if they were true...

...then my intentions of helping my fellow American's solve their financial problems wasn't going to work if people continued following the existing methods to build a home business!

Understanding The 80% Who Are Failing At Building A Home Business

The initial research I did gave a completely different % showing only a 20% failure rate in the first year. This is because it was based upon the SBA (Small Business Association) numbers. These are businesses who for the most part are trying to get a loan so they're working with the SBA. I'm very familiar with the SBA and the services they offer.

The SBA is going to work closely with these businesses. They'll help them build a business plan and Executive Summary to provide to the banks hoping they'll get a loan. The business owner will spend a good 3-6 months putting all of this together which includes doing a lot of research so their business plan and Executive Summary sizzles and shows the bank the business owner has his act together, has a great business idea and shows why they'll be successful, as a few of the key sections to the business plan and Executive Summary.

Most of these businesses will be brick and mortar business, or they plan to start as a home based business until they hit a certain revenue level at which time they'll move to being a brick and mortar business.

I would expect this specific group of startup businesses to have a much higher rate of success.

I'm not including this group of businesses into the analysis. This is a whole completely different breed of businesses and business owners.

Here's the group the 80% failure rate applies to...

Every Day People Starting A Home Business Is Who We're Talking About Here

What I'm referring to and analyzing is every day people who decide to build a home based business. These are just regular American's who either:

  • Need an income source be it a job or a home based business, or
  • Need to bring in more money to meet their financial needs (this is the main group we're trying to help), or
  • Want to save up for something, or
  • Are sick and tired of the 9-5 and working for someone else and want to own their own business so they have better control over their financial future, and so they don't have to answer to someone else; or
  • Because they want the freedom to work the hours they want to work... no more weekends or evenings. Or
  • They want to create a business which allows them to travel and work the business while traveling.

The point is, there are many reasons why people ultimately make the decision to build a home business. My purpose in doing BMHB was for those who are suffering because of the high inflation and terrible economy.

However, having said that, now that I've analyzed how people are building a home business and have become aware of the extremely high failure rate I would've created a solution to help people build a home business the right way.

This isn't the first time I've watch course creators create courses and not provide the right information and steer people down the wrong road! They did the same thing with courses teach people how to sell SEO to offline businesses.

#1 Reason People Start A Home Business

Here's something you may find interesting, do you know the #1 reason most people start a home business?

Because they read a sales letter which told them they could make all of this money in just "X" number of days or weeks and thought to themselves, "Ya, I want that, how can I turn this opportunity down?" So they bought the course and gave it a shot.

The sales letter sold them on buying a course which stated it would teach them how to easily make all of this money.

Unfortunately, for the high majority, it didn't work out like that, and they found it was far from easy!

The High Majority Of Courses Don't Teach You How To Actually Build A Home Business

There are very few courses out there which cover from A to Z on how to build a home based business. Instead it's buying multiple courses to learn the key skills needed to put key pieces in place (or having the money to hire someone else to do it), assuming you even know what the key pieces are.

It's mind-blowing to me how many people go into building a home business so blindly!

But then on the other hand, how can they go into it "informed" when the initial courses they're purchasing don't even address any of the foundational elements to building a home business?

Remember, my objective is to help you successfully build a home business in the least amount of time and money. In order to accomplish this, I need to give you the facts and tell you the truth so you're able to make better decisions. It's hard to make good decisions when you're not  

The high majority of people (80%), especially those where this is their first attempt at building a home business, are failing at building a home business after buying money making course  and trying to implement it. I discuss in a lot more detail the vicious cycle people go through at, "The New Home Business Strategy Course" page.

Here's Why There's An 80% Failure Rate & Why It's Taking 6-8 Years To Build A Successful Money-Making Home Business...

It takes most people 6-8 years to build a successful home business because it takes them that long to learn how to do it right and then to learn how to put the pieces in place correctly.

Let me be very clear with you... You're not going to learn this in any of the money-making courses course creators are selling. 

This is the vicious cycle you need to stop if you're currently in this pattern of failure, or avoid if building a home business is new to you!

The simple fact is, nobody out there is teaching people how to build a home business the right way. This is why people new to building a home business have failure after failure.

Keep in mind, this is the current way of how people are building a home business. It's not the right approach to it, it's just the way it's currently being done. 

We're not going to show you a new way to build a home business, we're going to show you the right way to build a home business.

Building a home business the way people are being taught these days is creating an 80% failure rate of the people building a home based business, and it's why it's taking the average person 6-8 years before they achieve success at building a home business.

I know why!

I know why people are failing.

I know what they're doing wrong.

I know why it's taking people 6-8 years to achieve success.

Know why is key and half the battle to fixing the problem.

I know how to fix it. 

I know how to show you how to build a home business far more effectively in less time and less money. I'll show you how to build a home business the right way.

To learn all of this pick up, "The New Home Business Strategy Course".

Our Foundational Course Offers More Than Just Teaching You How To Build A Home Business The Right Way

In the course, "The New Home Business Strategy Course", it not only teaches you how to build a home business the right way which includes teaching you the two foundational steps everyone skips but sets in motion everything else moving forward, it also shows you...

  • How to pick the best home business for your personality, skill sets and personal circumstances. Picking a home business this way will allow you to be far more successful faster!
  • How to build a home business part-time. There are many people working a full-time job and need to bring in extra money to compensate for the increased prices of everything because of the inflation in America.
    • Along with this, the course also shows you the best businesses to build part-time.
  • The course teaches you my "ah ha" strategy which is 'how to build a home business when you have no money'. You need to understand, the average business will cost you $3,000 to $5,000. What if you don't have this kind of money? This is what the "ah ha" strategy addresses.
    • There are also types of businesses which will cost less than $3,000. In fact, there are ways to make money which won't cost you a dime.
  • For people in a serious financial pinch, you'll learn some fast-money making strategies than can put $1,000 in your pocket in the first week. 

These are just a few of the things you'll learn from the course. There's quite a few more things you'll learn which are specific to building a home business. 

For this article I just wanted you to understand where the 80% failure rate came from and why it's taking people 6-8 years to achieve success. 

I also wanted you to know there's a solution.