Building My Home Business Is All About...

Our objective is very straight forward... helping people to build a home business in far less time and far less cost so they can overcome the financial hardship millions are facing and experiencing because of what's going on in our economy because of the high inflation and the war on oil.

The problem is, when you consider 80-90% of people who try to build a home business fail, and then factor in that those who do succeed take 6-8 years to achieve their success, our mission statement becomes that much more important.

When Mr. C started this journey of helping our fellow American's build a home business he had no idea of these two statistics. It was because of these two statistics that he completely changed his approach on how he'd help his fellow American's.

Mr. C's original plan was very simple... to point out key courses people could purchase that would guide them in building different types of businesses, both online and offline. He was going to categorize the courses based on the business type or the skill taught in the course.

As you're going to learn, there are many skills one must learn when building a business, especially if it's an online business. Knowing where to find the best courses for the skills needed would be very helpful for people.

But the two statistics Mr. C discovered when researching home businesses changed everything!

No longer was it going to be simply guiding people on selecting the right courses for the business they wanted to build and offering coaching where necessary. Without solving the two problems shared above, people would continue to experience a lot of failures and it would still take people way too long to succeed at building a home business.

Mr. C knew he first needed to figure out why 80-90% of people were failing. Then he needed to figure out why it was taking the average person 6-8 years to achieve success. Until we solved both of these problems, it made no sense to move forward and help people build a home business.

Mr. C Solved The Two Problems

To make a long story short, Mr. C did solve both of these two huge problems. He spent months researching the problems and talking to lots of people. It became pretty obvious what the problem was.

But Mr. C isn't your typical person...

Mr. C Has 38 Years Of Specialized And Advanced Business Development Skills

Mr. C has an extensive 38 year background in marketing, copywriting, business development, and business optimization. He's a business strategist and has been helping people create a successful business (both local businesses and home businesses) for over 30 years.

Mr. C has helped many who were struggling or failing at building their business to turn it all around and create a successful business.

His career started in 1985 for a company that was first and foremost a marketing driven company. He was fortunate to learn just how important marketing is to the success of a business early on.

After he left that company as the #1 account manager in his district, #10 in the nation and having won many awards, he partnered with a similar company and was in charge of hiring, training and the marketing for the company. The company grew by 10 X in the first year, and they never looked back as they grew in leaps and bounds year after year.

While with this company he trained under the world's #1 marketer, Jay Abraham to include going to his $25,000 in person protege training course. The depth 

To learn copywriting, he studied under Dan Kennedy buying up every course Dan created on copywriting. 

Mr. C says the investments he's made in learning marketing at the deep level he did, and in learning copywriting were the best investments he's ever made in his professional life.

Mr. C sold out his interest in the company in 1989 and went into consulting helping other businesses to better market and to help them grow.

Since 1989, Mr. C has helped hundreds of businesses with their marketing helping them grow and to take their businesses to a new level, and he's helped hundreds of people start their own business. 

We could spend many pages telling you about the many experiences and accomplishments of Mr. C.

Let's take a look at the results of Mr. C solving the two huge problems people have been facing when building a home business, the 80-90% failure rate and taking 6-8 years to become successful...

Mr. C Created Two Foundational, Ground-Breaking Courses On Building A Home Business

After 38 years of very advanced marketing knowledge and experience and having worked with businesses solving complex marketing problems they faced whether in the way of a new competitor or something else that happened which greatly effected their ability to generate leads and sales, solving problems is something he's really good at. 

There's a reason businesses call Mr. C "Mr. Fix-it".

The end conclusion of solving the two major problems people face when building a home business is the creation of 2 foundational courses that anyone considering or wanting to build a home business needs to own.

  • Or anyone who's consistently experiencing failures at trying to build a home business should own. 
  • Or if you're doing a side hustle and making some money but want to take things to a higher level and want to make sure you are doing it right and making decisions for the right reason the right way, you should own these courses.

Bluntly, these two courses are ground-breaking and foundational for anyone wanting to build a home business, or increase the money they're bringing in and want to avoid the typical spinning of their wheels followed by failure after failure.

And what's up with it taking 6-8 years to achieve success? That's just ludicrous. 

In addition to teaching people how to build a home business the right way so they are able to build one in less time and less money, we're also teaching people other ways of bringing money in.

Mr. C Is A Patriot Who Loves America And His Fellow American Brothers & Sisters...

A top reason why Mr. C chose to do this, to come out of semi-retirement, where he was spending the best hours of each day with the people he loves the most is because he knows he can help thousands, even millions of his fellow American brothers and sisters solve the financial hardships they're experiencing because of the bad policies put in place hurting our economy and the high inflation we're all experiencing.

Mr. C has always been a patriot who loves America. He looks at everyone as his American brothers and sisters. His time in the military gave him an appreciation for America and his fellow American's. Just like he and his fellow vets are a family, so are we American's.

Mr. C Has Been Teaching Others How To Be A Better Marketer Since 1994 When He Created His First Courses... 

One of the first industries Mr. C spent a lot of time working in and helping is the highly competitive insurance industry helping agencies to out-market, out-sell, out-negotiate their competitors. He created two courses he sold to insurance agencies to help them more effectively market their products...

Many of his clients called this the bible to marketing for an insurance agency. It was wildly successful.

Now keep in mind, in 1994 there was no internet which means there were no websites to sell products from and no email. Marketers today would absolutely bomb without having the internet for their marketing. Very few understand or even know how to do offline marketing, nor can they even conceive the idea of doing any type of offline marketing. They don't get it!

All of the marketing Mr. C did to sell these courses was done old school... display ads in trade magazines, postcards, direct mail, fax marketing and of course, referral marketing.

Along with this he continued helping businesses with their marketing, which included putting together the marketing pieces.

Finally the internet was born. With it came websites and email marketing. These were exciting times.

To complement his offline marketing, in 2000 Mr. C saw how the Internet offered many powerful tools to help local brick-and-mortar businesses build their businesses and provide a much higher level of service to their clients. Since 2000, Mr. C has also been effectively using the Internet and online strategies to help his clients prosper and grow, along with helping his own businesses to grow!

In 2003 Mr. C Created On-Off 360 Marketing, LLC To Help Local Businesses With Their Marketing & Business Optimization

By 2003 the internet was clearly here to stay, and is a powerful tool to help businesses develop leads and create sales. He created On-Off 360 Marketing to encompass both online and offline (thus, the On-Off part of the name) marketing strategies to help businesses grow. 

The huge difference with Mr. C is he was already a well established marketer helping businesses with their marketing, and he had a heck of a track record following him.

Plus, he has a deep understanding of the offline business, how consumers make buying decisions, and much more.

Unfortunately, there were numerous course creators who created courses teaching online marketers how to sell online marketing strategies to offline businesses. Before you knew it there were many thousands of "backyard" marketers selling marketing services to offline businesses.

It wasn't long before Mr. C became "Mr. Fix-It" because he was constantly fixing the marketing these wanna-be marketers were putting in place with local businesses. There are so many variables and factors which must be considered when putting together a marketing strategy for a business, something these backyard marketers didn't understand or know.

The backyard marketers were "marketing strategy driven" with little consideration for the key variables and factors specific to the business they're selling their marketing services to.

Mr. C, on the other hand, designed the best marketing strategy based upon the key variables and factors specific to the business. It's not about selling different marketing strategies. It's about determining the best marketing approach or combination of strategies for the specific business based on their marketplace. Do you see the difference here?

In 2010 And Then Again In 2012 He Trained 2 Different Groups Of People Trying To Build A Home Business And Offered A Mind-Blowing Guarantee...

Along with helping local businesses, Mr. C has been helping individuals start and grow their own home based business for many years. He’s helped over 500 people the past 20 years. In 2010 and then again in 2012 he did a one time training course. He spent almost 2 months providing weekly training and a personalized touch helping 100’s of people create and build a successful home business.

Through this course and working with so many people on a personal level he watched a lot of people struggle and helped them work through those struggles. This experience was very enlightening to Mr. C.

He’s very proud of these courses he put together and was very thankful he was able to help so many people create a successful business. At $995 every one of them felt they way under paid for this training. None had ever met someone more committed to their success than Mr. C. Here’s a common testimonial he received from participants of the course…

Here’s the course image he used when marketing the 2012 training course…

Yes, he really did offer a $60,000 per year income guarantee in 12 months or get their money back. Not one person asked for a refund. Everyone says this was the most thorough and best training they’ve ever received on building a home business and marketing their services.

You really will appreciate Mr. C and his desire to help people succeed. He loves seeing people succeed and will do what he can to make that happen.

We’re all so excited about Mr. C making the decision to do Building My Home Business. It’s right up his alley because he genuinely loves helping people and he wants to see people create great success in their lives.

If you purchase one of his courses, on a select basis he'll offer 1 hour of coaching at a greatly reduced price when purchased with the course. We sincerely hope you purchase the 1 hour of coaching when purchasing a course. Once you get on the phone with Mr. C you’ll see just how knowledgeable he is and how much he can help you.

Mr. C Has Created Numerous Courses The Past 20 Years

Over the years the majority of courses Mr. C has created has been to help businesses with their marketing, a topic he's got a passion for and loves to help others with. Between his deep knowledge in marketing, copywriting and business optimization strategies you'll find him to be a valuable asset to your goals of building a home business.

Here are 4 more courses Mr. C created in the years past. They have helped businesses generate thousands of sales. He plans to make them available here at Building My Home Business soon, after he's had a chance to go through them and update them as needed...

If you have any questions specific for Mr. C, you can email him at from the Contact Us page. He’s copied on all emails and answers a lot of them himself. He's always been a hands on business owner and always wants to stay on top of what clients have to say, both good and bad, so he can provide the level of service beyond what people would expect.